Donate a CCTV or Other Helpful Equipment

Electronic Video Magnifiers, often referred to as CCTVs are a life-changing tool used by individuals with low vision. This device can aid with reading the mail, writing a check, completing homework, grooming, accessing pictures, and countless other daily activities. These CCTV’s can cost upwards of $3,000 which is prohibitive for many people. Through donations, we are able to match the needed equipment with those in need to assist in increasing independence for those with low vision.
In addition to video magnifiers, the Lighthouse also accepts donations of all low and high-tech magnifiers, adaptive aids (talking watches, talking scales, large print measuring cups, etc), computers, smartphones, and related accessories.
The Lighthouse of Broward takes donations of these devices and repurposes them for those in need. If you would like to make a tax-deductible equipment donation, please contact Jillian at 954.463.4217 extension 145.