Letter from LHOB
Dear Lighthouse Family,
It is with great joy that I report that the Lighthouse of Broward has continued to thrive this past year with more resiliency, mission-focus, and dedication despite continued Covid-19 challenges. We are stronger than ever!
Our strength rests upon the great leadership of our board of directors, who show an incomparable commitment to our organization and our mission. It also rests on the professionalism, dedication, and persistence of our team, who continue to go above and beyond to assist our blind and visually impaired clients in experiencing maximum independence. Thank you to our wonderful board and staff, who truly made this year a great success.
I have to say we definitely finished this year with quite a bang!
During November, we implemented an extremely effective campaign for GivingTuesday, a worldwide movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity. In our case, this special day of giving was all about engaging our community to contribute to our cause of empowering people who are blind and visually impaired to live independent, healthy, employed, and fulfilling lives.
Our supporters certainly were radically generous!
I’m thrilled to announce that we raised an unprecedented $88,000, thanks to the amazing gifts from members of our community. We couldn’t be more grateful for each contributor and are so thankful and encouraged by their generosity. Heartfelt thanks goes out to each person and organization that gave to the Lighthouse for GivingTuesday!
Another end-of-year highlight was our Snow Party presented by Publix Supermarkets Charities and supported by sponsor Humana. The party was cool fun for approximately 50 of our youth who are blind and visually impaired and their families. Delight, illuminated the children’s faces as they scaled our snow “mountain,” built a snowman, tossed snowballs, and simply enjoyed the icy feel of snow. Plus, they jumped in a bounce house, decorated cookies, enjoyed hot chocolate, lunch, and visited with Santa Claus. A grand time was had by all!
The hallmark of this end-of-year holiday season is gratitude. I know I speak for our entire team and board of directors when I say we are so grateful to do our part in empowering individuals – especially children! – who are blind and visually impaired.
Wishing you a healthy and happy holiday season,
Ellyn Drotzer, MSW, LCSW
President & CEO
Upcoming Important Information & Dates
(Monday): The Lighthouse will reopen to clients.
(Monday): The Lighthouse will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
(Monday): The Lighthouse will be closed for President’s Day.
LHOB Remote Support & Activities
Meets the 1st Friday of each month, from 10 am -12 pm. When raucous laughter is heard in the halls of the Lighthouse, you can be sure it’s coming from the trivia group. Questions on a variety of subjects are read by a volunteer, and anyone who thinks they have the answer is free to call it out. Please RSVP to Abigail at 954-463-4217 Ext. 151. Starting date in person February 4, and March 4.
Every Wednesday from 1:00pm-2:00pm. This support group is to help participants manage anxiety related to isolation that has occurred during this difficult time of social distancing. Counselors will discuss strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety. Members of this group can connect; share their experiences, coping strategies, and their strength and hope.
Join the call: https://www.uberconference.com/room/lhobsupport
Optional dial-in number: 954-451-0380
No PIN needed.
International Access Numbers: https://www.uberconference.com/international
For more information, contact Elaine Schiffman at 954-463-4217 EXT. 131 or eschiffman@LHOB.org.
A group for Job Readiness Graduates to share job leads and experiences, refresh their skills, and connect with resources in the community. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month virtually from 1:00pm to 2:00 PM with Sunny Musgrave. Contact Smusgrave@lhob.org or 954-463-4217 Ext. 135 for questions and RSVPs. Dates: Jan 11, Feb 8, and March 8.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://lhob-org.zoom.us/j/82949941340?pwd=NjNneXpHRWZQcWpSOUg0eDJ3eEV1dz09